How to lose weight quickly? It is a common question in everyone’s mind who is suffering from weight issues. It’s not only limited to losing some extra pounds. Some suffer from acute underweight issues. In most cases, poor diet routine yields to these extremities. Other than that, there are several factors which can affect our body weight like stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, thyroids, etc.
There are no shortcut ways for weight loss. Some people tend to overlook the basics and rush to their general physician and take help from medicinal drugs for weight loss but that’s not always a good option and it’s not only high fitness regime to burn your fat. There are many natural remedies besides exercising and maintaining a healthy diet.
Before you start, you must understand the processes through which your body is going to go through in order to lose weight. Fats are the stored energy within your body. Calories are the unit of measurement of potential energy stored in proteins, fats and carbs. The human body is equipped to convert the body fat through a series of chemical processes into usable energy to carry out the basic metabolism of our body.
The extra energy is being stored in the form of fat. So, when our body consumes extra fat than what is being required for energy conversion, our body piles up the extra pounds. When we work more in proportion than what we are taking in, our body draws stored fat and fat cells shrink. Though the cells do not disappear fully, they change into water or steam. Genetic and environmental factors must also be considered besides taking into account all the above-mentioned factors.
Basic home remedies to lose weight quickly
Instead of rushing to your general physician try out to lose weights at home with our quick tips. The tips are not limited to women and anyone can try it. There are many basic home remedy for weight loss is listed here which certainly help you lose fats quickly. Let find out them –
Cinnamon Tea

Zest Energy Tea – Apple Cinnamon Black High Caffeine Tea
Cinnamon Tea has a direct impact on our body weight because it is linked with blood sugar. It controls our energy levels and appetite. So, if your blood sugar level is balanced, it’s highly unlikely that you are going to have a disproportionally large appetite. Excess stored energy in your body will be utilized while you exercise, due to no shortage in energy level. Take about 8 ounces of fresh water along with 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Take one cinnamon stick to place it in the mug and cover it with boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes and strain later. Try drinking this tea for 1-2 times daily.
Green Tea
Green tea along with a definite proportion of ginger has helped in reducing weight. Green tea is made out of three major constituents which help in managing weight. They are theanine, catechins and caffeine. Caffeine boosts our system by improving metabolism rates within our body. Catechins are anti-oxidant flavonoids and are considered to have superior qualities than green tea yielding to their difference in processing.
Catechins help in weight reduction via intestinal tracks. Theanine is an amino acid which is present in green tea that stimulates the release of dopamine. IT is a chemical which controls our mental health by helping us relax and keeping us cool, calm and collected. Ginger when added to green tea, helps in improving digestion.
Rose Petal Water
Rose petal water has been chemically proven as an excellent weight loss aid. Rose petals act as gentle diuretics. With the help of diuretics, more sodium is being dissolved into our urine. Thus, excess sodium is drawn from our blood which in turn soothes blood pressure level within our body. Though it isn’t a permanent solution to weight loss, this drink helps your system to stay clean and hydrated.
It is a plant belonging to the genus Panax. There are two different varieties of ginseng which are Panax quinquefolius which is an American variety and Panax ginseng which is an Asian/ Korean variety. It’s stimulant widely used to sleep up to a sluggish metabolism. One of its greatest qualities includes fighting fatigue and boosting both mental and physical alertness. Besides reducing body weight and providing mental stability, these plants are known to manage blood sugar levels as well as appetite.
Our liver is an incredible organ as it not only detoxifies our body but also plays a pivotal role in metabolic processes within our body. The liver is full of cells that helps in breaking down fats and convert them into usable energy. Bile secretion is an important mechanism taking place in the liver, which helps in the breakdown and absorption of fats. In the metabolism of carbohydrates, livers keep the blood sugar levels steady by regulating appetite and keeping energy levels up.
So, in order to keep your liver functioning at a superior level, you must take proper care of it. Dandelion and peppermint tea is a great drink which helps to keep liver healthy. Dandelion has various hepatoprotection constituents (hepatoprotection means the power to control liver damage). Both peppermint and dandelion stimulates bile production in our liver and helps in digestion and absorption of nutrients. By mixing these two in definite proportion and consuming daily will keep your liver in excellent condition.
In today’s busy world, most of us are frequently stressed on a daily basis. Our body is not fully equipped to manage stress after a certain level. In truth, the human body has low natural means of controlling stress. When your body is under stress, it releases cortisol which is a steroid hormone in response to fighting or flight. Cortisol’s affects our blood sugar levels and causes conversion of energy readily into fat.
Release of Neuropeptide Y (neurochemical related to stress) causes rapid growth of fat tissues and also increases appetite. One possible way to counter stress is consuming sage tea or just by adding sage to any food that you cook. This dish counters stress levels and has a calming effect on both body and mind. Pour boiled water over sage along with steep for 4-5 minutes and strain. Add lemon for adding flavour to this drink and consume 1-2 times daily.
If you really want to lose body fats quickly, you should maintain one routine you are going to create. No need to take weight loss pill which can cause adverse action to your body. You can use our home remedy for weight loss and work out at least for 30 min including some cardio and Fat burning program to get a fast effect.
Hope you like tips, comments and feedback are always welcome.