Honey, also known as “liquid gold,” has been ranked as one of nature’s finest and most complex creations for ages. Honey is made by bees from nectar collected from flowers, and therefore, honey may come in different colours and tastes. In addition to its delicious taste, honey has been valued and used for its curative purposes in Ayurveda. Honey is much more than just the ordinary sweetener that it appears to be. It is one of the most commonly used ingredients in home remedies for skin care and health as it is packed with vitamins and minerals, a natural source of water, and natural sugars. It is also a natural antiseptic and a natural antibiotic.

Here are some quick tips on how to incorporate honey into your health and skincare routine:

Health Benefits of Honey

  1. Soothe Mouth Sores: Use warm water and honey to gargle when you have mouth sores.
  2. Relieve Toothaches: Put a ball of cotton wool dipped in honey on the affected tooth as a temporary way of relieving toothache.
  3. Ease Coughs: Take honey in a tablespoon and mix it with a ginger paste. This will help people who have a cough.
  4. Weight Loss: Take a cup of warm water with two spoons of honey on an empty stomach to help you with your issue of weight loss.
  5. Heart Health: A type of cholesterol, known as HDL, or ‘good’ cholesterol, is also higher in those who consume honey, which may help lessen the chance of heart attacks for people with type 2 diabetes.
  6. Heal Wounds and Burns: Put honey on minor injuries and cuts as it has antimicrobial properties. It can also be used to treat diabetic foot ulcers that can further lead to serious complications.
  7. Boost Immunity: Consuming honey regularly can strengthen the immune system and improve memory.

Natural Skincare With Honey

Natural Skincare With Honey

  1. Prevent Wrinkles: It can be had with milk, blended with ginger and black pepper or directly applied as a paste with honey and raw turmeric powder to avoid those lines on the face.
  2. Treat dandruff: Take two tablespoons of honey and add it to your preferred hair oil, massage to your scalp; then cover with a shower cap for 15 minutes before washing. They assist in fighting dandruff problems and make hair smooth and shiny.
  3. Exfoliate Naturally: Mix honey with oats and apply this to the face, as it would help you eliminate dead skin on the face.
  4. Brighten Skin: Add two spoons of honey, curd, talcum powder, and a few drops of lime juice. Massage the mixture onto your face, neck, and hands for 15-20 minutes and say bye-bye to dull skin and dark spots.
  5. Combat Dry Skin: During winter, dilute honey with milk cream and apply it to the skin, especially the rough areas, thus making the skin soft.
  6. Smooth Split Ends: If honey is mixed with lemon juice and olive oil and applied to the roots of the hair, then it can be used. Wash your hair for 30 minutes before shampooing for you to have silky hair with little or no split ends.
  7. Treat Eczema: Do a scrub of honey and olive oil, then spread it to the affected skin for a remedy to the eczema.
  8. Hydrate Skin: Homemade skincare with honey can include a nourishing facial mask with honey and egg white, which will make your skin glow and moisturize at the same time.

The benefits of honey for skin are immense, and its versatility makes it an essential addition to your natural health. Whether used in skincare or consumed for its health benefits, honey is a sweet way to enhance your well-being.