Person holding stomach and toilet paper, showing symptoms of diarrhoea in a bathroom

Diarrhoea is the condition of passing loose, watery stool more than three times a day. Diarrhoea can be acute or chronic in nature. Cause of diarrhoea could be bacterial, parasitic, or viral infection of intestine. This kind of diarrhea is said to be gastroenteritis. Diarrhoea can also occur due to consumption of contaminated food, water or hands. Some of the common complications of diarrhoea are Dehydration, abdominal cramps or fall in blood pressure due to excessive water loss. Some of simple measures to prevent it are hand washing with soap, drinking clean water and using a proper hygienic method of cooking food. Here are some common home remedies for diarrhoea:

  1. Bel fruit is good to eat in diarrhoea. Slice unripe bel fruit and sun dry them. Now make a powder of dried fruit. Take one teaspoon of this powder with warm water twice a day.
  2. Drinking cardamom seeds boiled in tea is beneficial.
  3. Soak 2 teaspoon of coriander powder in water overnight and take it with one cup of milk next morning.
  4. Mix ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg powder with ripe banana and eat.
  5. Mix juice of 15-20 curry leaves with one teaspoon of honey and drink.
  6. Make a paste of one green chilli with 2 tablespoon of lime juice and 1/2 teaspoon of camphor. Take ¼ teaspoon of this paste.
  7. Take a half-bowl of chopped carrot and boil it with water for some time. This boiled carrot is very good for diarrhoea. You can also try carrot soup, as it is also very effective.
  8. Eat plain ripe banana or banana with yoghurt .
  9. Mix a teaspoon of yoghurt with fenugreek seeds n cumin seeds and eat the mixture. It is very effective in diarrhoea.
  10. Peel an apple and shred it. Keep the shredded pieces in a plate for 15 to 20 mins until they urn brown. Now eat them.
  11. 3 cloves of garlic chopped along with boiled milk, when taken at night before going t bd is very effective in stopping diarrhoea.
  12. Mix one teaspoon of powdered ginger, powdered cumin and powdered cinnamon with honey. Make a thick paste of it. Take one teaspoon thrice daily.
  13. Drink a strong cup of black tea with sugar. This is very effective in stopping diarrhoea.
  14. Mash one ripe banana along with a pinch of salt and one teaspoon tamarind pulp. Take this mixture twice a day.
  15. Boil one teaspoon of cumin seeds in a glass of water. Add to this one teaspoon fresh juice of coriander leaves and a pinch of salt. Drink twice daily after meals for 2-3 days.
  16. Drink plenty of water like coconut water, weak tea, fruit juice.
  17. Rest in bed.
  18. Consume lots of water as it prevents from dehydration n diarrhoea.
  19. Eat ripe banana as it is rich in potassium and replenish the lost electrolytes.
  20. Yoghurt and white rice is beneficial as they help in formation of solid stool and prevents loss of water from body.
  21. Avoid spicy and fat rich diet.